My brain hurt from adding up all the song titles played on our Music By Numbers Special this week on Treasure Island Oldies! LOL It's absolutely amazing how many songs had a number in the song title, more than enough for an entire 4 hour show! In case you missed the live show, go to the Listen page then click Archives. Then be sure to add up all the song titles played during the show and send your total, along with your name and mailing address to contest@treasureislandoldies.com. I'll announce the final total and the winner of our Music By Numbers Contest on next week's show. The deadline for entry in the contest is 11:59 pm Pacific time, Saturday, November 17, 2012. In the event there is more than one entry with the correct total, a random draw will be made from all correct answers, with the winner announced next week. Good Luck and be sure to have your calculator handy. You'll need it!
I've got some more information for you regarding our latest Broadcast Partners Network station, Viking Radio Gold in the United Kingdom. You can listen to the show Monday from 9 pm to 1 am, Wednesday from 11 pm to 3 am and again Saturday from t to 6 pm, all times local. Sure looking forward to being part of the outstanding line-up of shows on Viking Radio Gold. Check them out at http://www.vikingradio.net.
Happy Birthday wishes go out to Connie Canode in Madison, Wisconsin and to Chris Whitmer, in Iowa City, Iowa. If you have a birthday coming up, send the details of your name, city and birthday date to birthdays@treasureislandoldies.com. I'll help you celebrate by wishing you Happy Birthday on the show and I'll also play Birthday by The Beatles
As we are approaching the end of November, I wanted to let you know that I'll be starting to play some great Christmas season songs for you, culminating with our Annual Christmas Special, Live at 6 pm Pacific, Sunday, December 23rd. I'm sure looking forward to playing some of the greatest Christmas music of all time for you.
The Treasure Island Oldies Blog is keeping our Music By Numbers theme going with a live concert performance from August 2012 of one of Canada's earliest teen idols. We're playing Bobby Curtola and Three Rows Over. It's our Song Of The Week. Enjoy!
Voice Your Choice presents Bobby Vee with two of his many hits for you. Cast your vote at the Voice Your Choice Page for either Charms or Take Good Care Of My Baby. I'll play the winning song in the 3rd hour of next week's show.
Here is this week's Rock & Roll News for the Week of November 11th, 2012
Have a great week.
Bye for now