May 3rd to 9th, 2009
May 4, 1997 - Treasure Island Oldies debuted with the very first show, with a "scorching" transmission speed of 56 kbps, although most people's dial-up modems connected at 28 kbps. Those were the days...you'd be lucky to hear an entire song before there was buffering of the feed or you lost the connection entirely and had to re-connect.
May 3, 2009 we celebrate the 12th Anniversary of Treasure Island Oldies, and how things have changed. We have two separate high bandwidth feeds, one for Real Media and another for Windows Media, plus the Treasure Island Oldies Continuous 24/7 Feed of shows. Not only are we heard around the world online, but we also have the Broadcast Partners Network with FM, AM and Online Radio Stations in the United States, Canada, England and Sweden carrying the show. In fact, we have been on Radio 88 in Gothenberg, Sweden for over five years now. I'd like to take a moment to thank the Mediaontap Network, which originates the online feeds, and Insinc, our technical provider. We have been working together since day one. I'd also like to thank Tom Locke, who has been involved writing the weekly feature Moment In Time since 1999 when it was first called the Sorrells Pickard Pick Of The Week. Thanks very much for your commitment every week, Tom. I'd also like to thank our other weekly contributors to the show: Tim & Jill in Cambridge, Ontario with their Hitsville USA Motown Feature, Rick in Madison, Wisconsin with Rick's Rare Rock And Roll Relic, Fay Greenwood in Langley, British Columbia and her new segment, Hits From Across The Pond. And a big tip of the hat also goes out to Britt in Cherry Hill, New Jersey for the weekly BBC - Britt Beatles Classic and to EJ Phillips in Troy, North Carolina for his Oldie of the Week. I'd like to say a special thank you to Eddy Fisher, our Webmaster, who keeps the Website completely up to date, along with the Archived Shows and the Rock & Roll New Podcasts, and so much more. Thank you for all you do every day for the show Eddy. I would like to send out a special thank you to YOU, the listener, for your loyalty, friendship and support. We continue to grow week after week but we still keep our great family feel. And to all the Nuts in the Hut, the Chat Room regulars, I look forward to the live show every week knowing that there will be lots of great conversations in the Chat Room. Your participation makes four hours seem like four minutes. Cheers!
And what a celebration we had for our 12th Anniversary Special, a record number of folks in the Chat Room, and the most phones calls and emails I have received for one show. Thank you, it was great to play your requests, and there were lots. We were able to extend the celebration by wishing a Happy 23rd Anniversary to Rick and Connie in Madison, Wisconsin, and wishing Happy Birthday to our Webmaster, Eddy Fisher as well as to Marc Baillergeon in Edmonton, Alberta.
I received a very nice email from a brand new listener, Vinny B, which I would like to share with you: "I have recently found your show on the Internet and I have to tell you "I LOVE IT"! It's about time that someone plays more than the top forty or so songs. Taking it a couple of steps beyond and in addition, adding some little known facts. Well done. Keep up the good work. Wish I could hear more." Thanks very much Vinny, and welcome to the Island. I always enjoy hearing from listeners and it's easy to get in touch with me: michael@treasureislandoldies.com
In celebration of our 12th Anniversary our Song of the Week at the Treasure Island Oldies Blog is Happy Anniversary performed live by the Little River Band. Enjoy!(There's a Bonus Song too but you have to visit the Blog to find out what it is.)
This week Voice Your Choice features the darling of the Mamas and Papas, Mama Cass Elliot, with two of her great lead vocal singles: It's Getting Better and Dream A Little Dream of Me. Cast your vote. Click the Voice Your Choice button on any page of the website and make your selection. We'll play the winner in Hour 3 of next week's show.
Speaking of next week's show, you won't want to miss our annual salute to Mom with our Annual Mother's Day Special. If you have a special song you'd like me to play, send your requests to me. Click the Requests button on any page and then let me know what you'd like to hear. And I would also enjoy hearing from you with a voicemail message. Call the 24/7 Listener Request Line at Area Code 206 203-4678 and record your message. I'll play it back on the show.
It would be great to have you as part of the Listener Gallery. Send your photo, name, city and country to michael@treasureislandoldies.com and you'll be hanging out with other proud Islanders! And be sure to check out the Listener Gallery. Click the Listener Gallery button, located just under the Requests button.
If you missed the live show of our 12th Anniversary Special of May 3, 2009, just click Listen on the Menu, then scroll down to the Archived Shows section. And be sure to check all the great songs we played. Click Playlist for the song titles and artists.
Thanks again for a great 12th Anniversary celebration and see you next week for our Annual Mother's Day Special. Have a good week.
Bye for now.