It was a real treat to have our annual One Hit Wonders Special on this week's show. It is quite amazing how so many great records were never able to be repeated by the artists who recorded them. And it's not the case of one hit being in the Top Twenty and the follow-up not getting higher than 85 on the chart. These artists never appeared on the charts again - period. Surprisingly, there are so many examples of One Hit Wonders that there are more songs to choose from than could be played in a four hour show. Thanks for both your email and phone requests; it was a pleasure playing them for you.
The Chat Room was packed again this week, with returning "newbies" Mike and Maureen from Berkeley, California. We also welcomed ogopogo from Westbank, British Columbia in the beautiful Okanagan Valley. The regular Nuts in the Hut sure made Mike, Maureen and ogopogo feel right at home. They said that I was absolutely right, the Chat Room does enhance the enjoyment level of the show and is a terrific companion piece to the live show. Check it out for yourself when we are live next Sunday. Click Chat on the Menu and follow the instructions. You too will soon become a regular Nut in the Hut. We all look forward to seeing you.
We will be celebrating the 12th Anniversary of Treasure Island Oldies on Sunday, May 3rd. Hard to believe that we have been bringing you the greatest music and Lost Treasures every week since 1997! If you'd like to record a brief message for our 12th Anniversary Special, please call our 24/7 Request Line at 206-203-4678 and leave your voicemail message. I'll play it back on the special. Also, if you'd like to hear a special song, then get your request into me by either our 24/7 Request Line or click the Requests button on any page of the website.
I would like to say a very big thank you to our good friend Ian Chapman in England who has been presenting Ian Chapman's Girl Groups as an exclusive feature on Treasure Island Oldies. His series has now ended but will return for an encore presentation in the future. I am pleased to have a brand new feature as of last week: Hits From Across The Pond with Fay Greenwood. I know you will enjoy this new program feature and will be both informed and entertained by Fay's musical knowledge.
This week the Treasure Island Oldies Blog features The Kinks from London. England with a great spring/summer song: Sunny Afternoon. It's our Song of the Week. Enjoy!
Voice Your Choice this week spotlights a group that had only two songs on the charts, so we will present both for your votes. Looking Glass is in the spotlight with Brandy (You're A Fine Girl) and Jimmy Loves Mary-Anne. Cast your vote. Click the Voice Your Choice button on any page of the website and make your selection. We'll play the winner in Hour 3 of next week's show.
We've received photos of many listeners from various parts of the world and they are posted at the Listener Gallery page. It would be great to have your photo added too. Just send a picture along with your name, city, and country to michael@treasureislandoldies.com and we'll be pleased to include you in the Listener Gallery.
I am still looking for your input as to whether we should bring back the Listener Map. Let me know, send an email to map@treasureislandoldies.com Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you.
If you missed the live show, you can enjoy the Archive of April 12, 2009, our One Hit Wonders Special; just click the Listen button on the Menu. And click Playlist to see all the songs we played on the show.
Have a good week.