Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Remembrance Day - Veterans Day Tribute

You will recall that Shawn Hlookoff was a guest in the studio on two occasions. The first time was to talk about and play some songs from his debut album. The second time he visited he performed live in the studio. That was a very memorable moment on the show. I first became aware of Shawn via a news story on the evening news and then met him through my friend John Graham. It was after that meeting that I invited him top the show. The news story was about a song and video Shawn wrote and produced. That song is Soldier, a tribute to soldiers in the past, present and the future. And no matter what one's views of war are, one should always respect the soldiers, the men and women, who risk their lives on behalf of their country.
In recognition of Remembrance Day in Canada, November 11th, and Veterans Day coming up in the United States, I am pleased to present to you, Shawn Hlookoff and Soldier.