He wrote, "The site works just fine and is very easy to get around. The print is large enough for easy reading, and the colors make it quite easy on the eyes. This is important, because some with low vision don't use a screen reader, but appreciate the fact that the text isn't microscopic like some sites are.
There is so much there that one can spend a lot of time just checking everything out, without any confusing navigation issues. You seem to have cocvered all bases for both blind and low vision users.
Keep up the good work, and I'll be checking back often to see what's new. Thanks for all of your hard work, both on the show, and the new site."
Also, he commented on the issue of Word Verification when posting a comment to this and other blogs. I checked out Blogger for help on this and they are working on audio version of CAPTCHA to incorporate into blogs for the visually impaired or blind. In the meantime, I have now turned OFF the requirement for word verification until such time as the audio CAPTCHA service is implemented.
Michael Godin