Last week some regular listeners and friends of Treasure Island Oldies (Rick, Connie, Rich, Sunny, and Laina) attended their school reunion in Ilinois. They held a party in their hotel room with the show cranked up on their sound system, and even came into the chat room during the live show.
I remember calling my high school in Montreal several years ago enquiring about a potential 25th Anniversary Reunion for the Class of '69. Unfortunately, the tone of the reply seemed as though I was from Mars; as when asked where I was calling from and said Vanouver, they were flabberghasted that I would call from thousands of miles away about something was was NOT happening. And sadly, I have never heard of a reunion ever taking place in subsequent years either. Oh well...
Now if your high school, college or university is planning a reunion, I would be very pleased to help promote the event on the show in advance of the date. This would help the organizing committee reach some folks they may be having difficulties getting in touch with.
In fact, the week the reunion will be taking place, I'll even dedicate the weekly Treasure Island Oldies Rock and Roll Reunion segment to your reunion.
Just send the details of your school reunion to me at reunion@treasureislandoldies.com, and thanks to the gang in Illinois for the inspiration.